Happy New Year!

Well... Happy New Year! What a year 2016 was. We released our first ever album (our self-titled debut EP). We toured the east-coast, from Airlie Beach to Hobart, twice. We made new friends, lots of new friends. We played venues and shows and festivals we haven't played before. We even released our second music video for our latest single, Come Home. And all of this is possible because of your never ending love and support.
A couple of weeks ago we spent four days with some really close friends where we spent our time writing, creating, and demoing some new music. We've spent a lot of time in the studio so far this year, and we hope to spend a lot more, because we are really excited with what is coming out. It's refreshing for us. We've taken what we learnt while recording our debut EP and we're using that knowledge and experience to make better music. We aren't making any promises other than we are making more music and we can't wait to show you all. Hopefully soon. 

In the meantime, stay well!
Big Love,
Rick & Troy xxo


Finally - after three years on and off the road, living out of a van, playing live shows, recording demos, meeting countless amazing people, and frankly, having a merry ol' time - we've finished our first record. It's a six track, self-titled EP which was recorded at The Barn Studio, Plainland, with Steve Robin.  
The EP consists of a bunch of older songs that we wrote when we started writing together a few years ago. Yes, they're old, and yes, we should have recorded and released them two years ago. The good news is that we've arranged them, added new instruments, and produced them how we originally imagined the tracks.
We do owe a big thanks to Steve Robin for his contributions to the songs and his passing of knowledge.
The launch is set to be held on the 24-06-2016 at the Oppys Fruit & Veg car park. We owe a massive thank you the owners of Oppys, Giles, Cassie, Sandra, and Stuart, who have been more generous than Grandma when it comes to dinner.  The night will support other members of our local community, with all proceeds of the event going towards Parkie's Adventures (Parkinson's disease, research). 
We really hope to see you all in two weeks! xx

P.S. The EP launch on the 24th June will also mark the beginning of our Debut EP Release Tour, part#1 (details here). We've decided that there is no other option than to migrate north for the winter. We'll see you all down south when the sun returns.

Rick & Troy xxo


When we arrived in Tasmania - for me, my second time and Troy's first - the air was crisp, we had no shows booked, very little money, and only a van to sleep in. Having now been and returned from our first tour we wouldn't have wanted it any other way.  When we arrived however, it would have brought a little bit of ease knowing we had at least one show booked... but we didn't. Here began our first priority.
After gradually making our way south towards Hobart, from Devonport, we knocked on venue door after venue door, and eventually booked and played some of the sweetest gigs we've played yet! During our time in Tassie we met a bunch of sweet minded people who were really keen to help us out. We saw some splendid countryside, and most importantly, had the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the tranquility of the wilderness and write music in a whole new way. 
Now it's time to make a EP! xx


In March this year, after lingering on the idea for some time, we decided to record a single. Naturally, it was the first song we'd written together. We recorded it with great friend and mentor Jarrod Robinson, in our home studio. Soon after we were lucky enough to be offered an opportunity to work with Mitch Kennedy and Red Belly Media to produce our, also first, music video.  
Just recently we've been able to let the film run free in the wild. It was definitely a huge learning experience for all of us, including Mitch, who himself, is quite new to film production. We're so thankful for his efforts and understanding of our thoughts and idea's throughout the process. We couldn't be more satisfied with how it turned out, surpassing all expectations. We're also very grateful that we grew up on a farm where a film like this can be done at will!

So, without any further ado, we present you, Ain't It Funny.
Much Love,
Rick and Troy. x